Amazingly enough Evelyn and Taylor aren't the only ones involved in this upcoming shindig. Some of their favorite people have agreed to be involved. Meet them below!
Bride's Wedding Party
Man of Honor: Connor Pratt
Evelyn and Connor have known each other for almost 21 years. As her brother he has been there for every major life event from birthdays to graduations to recovering from stupid life decisions. They have tortured their parents together, gotten matching tattoos, and he even gave Evelyn her first nephew - the most adorable pitbull ever. They aren't just family, they are friends, after all, Pratts stick together. Evelyn is so so so honored that Connor agreed to be her Man of Honor.
Bridesman: Sean Ritchey |
Evelyn met Sean at smart camp over a decade ago. (Holy wow they are old!) Unlike most of her camp made friends who she slowly lost contact with, Sean has been one of her main go to people for pretty much anything since the time they met. Together they have complained through a couple of degrees, consumed a vast amount of alcohol, and grown up. Evelyn really couldn't picture getting married without Sean being there.
Bridesmaid: Maize Jacobs-Brichford |
Neighbors their freshman year at Mary Baldwin College, Maize and Evelyn spent four years listening to bad music, eating lunch at the Pampered Palate, and cramming for exams the night before they had to take them. Towards the end of their time at Baldwin they hung out so much they earned the nickname Mevelaize. After graduating the two stayed in touch and helped each other through law school fiascos, obtaining second degrees, finding jobs, moving states, and many perceived life catastrophes. It only makes sense for Evelyn to have her other half there as she gets married.
Bridesmaid: Patricia Grace |
Patty is another Baldwin girl and one Evelyn adores her with all her heart. One of the few genuinely sweet people in the world, she also has an awesome sarcastic streak that makes her a fantastic person to have in ones life. While she was a year behind Evelyn at Baldwin, they lived in the same dorm for a bit, and because of her natural awesomeness she quickly became one of the group of fun girls that were Evelyn's main circle while at college. They have stayed in touch since graduating, visited a few times, and every time they get together its like no time has lapsed in between. Evelyn is so glad Patty's sparkling personality is a part of her wedding.
Bridesmaid: Jenny Chen
Evelyn and Jenny were the two youngest girls in their class at Mary Baldwin. This common trait brought them together originally, but their shared love of judging people made them fast friends. Jenny can always be counted on to tell it exactly like it is, to make everyone laugh with her dry sense of humor, and to be just as stubborn and opinionated as you are - which is awesome when she's on your side in an argument. While Evelyn and Jenny are both on incredibly different paths in life, they are still close as ever, and Evelyn looks forward to having Jenny's no nonsense approach to life keeping her sane on her wedding day.
Bridesmaid: Kristel Poole |
The only one of Evelyn's wedding party who actually lives in the same city as her, Kristel was one of Evelyn's first friends in Richmond. Meeting shortly after Evelyn turned 21 through twitter, the pair drank and karaoked their way through the local fan bars for longer than they probably should have. They both got caught up in the drama filled social scene that can be Richmond and managed to get through it with their friendship stronger for it. They have now both met nice guys and become a bit more responsible and while they still occasionally go out (and take sloppy photos), they now mostly do such things as roasting marshmallows, supporting their boyfriends' bands, or going to wine dinners. Evelyn didn't even think twice about asking her to be a part of the wedding and is super excited Kristel agreed!
Groom's Wedding Party
Best Man: William Sansevere |
Will and Taylor first met on the glorious tee-ball field, as members of the second grade Yankees team, and thus started nearly two decades of friendships. Over the years the friendship took on different stages; video game rivals, hoops partners, roommates, and pretty much there for anything friend. One thing never changed, through all the stages of growing up they were always there to help each other through the bad times and celebrate the good ones. Taylor is more than honored to have Will standing next to him as his best man.
Groomswoman: Whitney Hatcher
Taylor and Whitney's first meeting was interesting to say the least, but family has always come first, and despite the fights over who's looking out who's window and who the towel belonged to, the love and respect they have for each other never went away. When Whitney brought home her first child from the hospital, it was only a matter of time before Taylor had to move to Richmond to be closer to Whitney and her wonderful family. If not for Whitney's love of Richmond, Taylor would have never met Evelyn. Taylor is excited to have his sister standing with him as he begins his own wonderful family.
Groomsman: Jason Hatcher
Taylor started off a bit wary of Jason, he was after all the guy stealing his big sister away. After a trip to a minor league baseball game, made memorable by a visit from an english muffin truck, Taylor finally saw what his sister had seen in Jason all along. Now the proud father of Taylor's perfect little niece and nephew, Taylor couldn't ask for a better brother in law. Even though he's a redskins fan, Taylor is happy to have him stand with him on his wedding day.
Groomsman: Christopher Staranka
Chris and Taylor's friendship was solidified as they spent years touring the country as a double platinum rock duo. At least that's what they dreamed about as they wrote songs and ate junk food in each others basements. Through road trips, concerts, bad jokes, and bands Chris was always Taylor's right hand man. Its like no time has passed when the two of them get together and cycle through all the cheesy one liners and tales of the good ol days. Taylor couldn't picture getting married without Chris there with his special brand of comic relief.
Groomsman: Jacob Schwartz
Jacob and Taylor spend the majority of their time together bickering, with love, like two old Jewish ladies. Since Taylor decided Jacob would be nicknamed Schwo he has become a staple in his life. From the many beach trips, to the multiple BBQ's and parties, Jacob has not only charmed himself into Taylor's life but also into the lives of Taylor's friends and family. Taylor and Jacob both know that no matter what the issue they can always count on each other for a late night talk. Taylor is excited to have Jacob in his wedding, mostly because he knows Jacob will look damn good in a suit.
Groomsman: Mike Maluso
Mike and Taylor were in the army together, the wimpiest army ever, the Design Army. The constant late work nights and g-chat vents led to a mutual respect for each others work and a good friendship. Good beer and good conversations have always been staples as they grew from struggling to get by college grads to successful working adults. Taylor can always count on Mike for both career and life advice, and he is happy to have Mike stand with him at the wedding, as long as he promises not to try to art direct the photographs.
Joint Wedding Party
Officiant: Lindeve Hostvedt |
Lindeve is sort of like a second mother to Evelyn. Slightly crazy, amazingly sarcastic, and with the tendency to be a bit loud Lindeve had all of the qualities Evelyn was looking for in an officiant and after meeting Lindeve for the first time Taylor approved of Evelyn's choice. More importantly, Lindeve approved of Taylor and agreed to be their officiant. Both Evelyn and Taylor have no doubt that Lindeve will make it a ceremony to remember!
Flower Girl: Rebecca Hatcher
Becca was born to be a flower girl, in fact when Taylor informed his family that he was getting married, Becca's first reaction was to declare that she would be their flower girl. Who are they to deny her? A girl after Evelyn's own heart she loves tutus, ballet, the color pink, and being the center of attention. Seriously, she'll be a natural.
Ring Bearer: Joseph Hatcher
The happiest toddler on the planet, how could Evelyn and Taylor NOT include Joey in their wedding somehow? While he hasn't developed a ton of skills in his short lifespan his superhero abilities to out eat anyone and make everyone laugh with his laugh make him an invaluable asset to the wedding party in Evelyn and Taylor's opinion.